Our Little Ladybug

Sunday, July 30, 2006

School Days

Soon it will be August 1. That is when I will start to experience my back-to-school, summer-is-almost-over meltdown. Just the other day, I whined to my hubby, "I only have thirty-five days left of summer vacation!" I said it with panic. I said it with desperation in my voice. How could I expect him to understand? How could I expect empathy from a man who is lucky if he gets one day off a week? He just said, "I'm biting my tongue..."

Why do places like Office Max and Staples insist on back to school commercials in July? I want to scream at the television, "HEY! I'm on summer vacation HERE!" They don't care. Staples doesn't care about my pain.

True, people who aren't teachers can't possibly understand. Don't get me wrong- I like my job. I DO. I am just going to really miss the summer.


At 9:26 PM, Blogger Joannah said...

I know it's tough to make that transition. I start having nightmares about the first day of school about three weeks before I have to go back. I've dreamed that my class was way overcrowded and the children were crawling all over the desktops. I've dreamed that colleagues and parents were verbally attacking me. Sheesh! You'd think I worked in a horrible place, but I don't. Happens every year!

At 7:04 AM, Blogger K. said...


I have those same back-to-school nightmares! This will be my 18th year of teaching and I still have them! I guess it just coems with the job!

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

I feel your pain.


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