Our Little Ladybug

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I am...tagged!

I've been tagged (my first tag!) by: Nicole .

Here I go:

I am... creative, emotional, and hopeful.
I want... to finally bring home our daughter from China.
I wish... summer would last longer and I didn't have to be a teacher again for a few extra months.
I hate...cruelty to animals
I miss... my sister since she moved away.
I hear... the sound of the ceiling fan and the clicking of computer keys.
I wonder... how long it will take us to be DTC.
I regret...not starting the adoption process a few years ago.
I am not... athletic!
I dance... very rarely. When I do, I mostly dance slow dances.
I sing... all of the time...to anyone who will listen.
I cry... easily- even at old episodes of "Little House on the Prairie."
I am not always... quiet. I talk A LOT.
I make... a really good appetizer called sausage cups.
I confuse... myself when I attempt mathematical things.
I need…to be creative...am always doing little projects for my home or the classroom.
I should... exercise more and eat healthier foods.
I start... to exercise for a few days and then I quit.
I finish... anything that is my responsibility.

Now, I tag: Crystal and Kristen if they haven't already done this!


At 7:01 AM, Blogger Shionge said...

Oh...I cried easily too.....

At 5:05 PM, Blogger C's Mom said...

Hmmm...I want to know more about those sausage cups :0)

Thanks for visiting me and I'll be following along on your journey as well!

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool! I understand the creative need. seriously!

At 7:03 AM, Blogger 4D said...

I too an NOT athletic. It's funny how uncoordinated I am!

Keep smilin!

At 9:59 AM, Blogger Elisa...life as we know it. said...

Hi thanks for visiting my site, love your site and hope to hear from you again.

At 5:38 PM, Blogger Special K said...

Just wanted to drop in for a visit since I saw you over at my place :)

LOVE your lamp! Did you notice my blog header. That's right, it's the same fabric. My mom is making all of my nursery bedding using that fabric (well someday if she stops procrastinating, that is). It's called Waverly Pink Flyaway.

At 3:10 PM, Blogger Kim M. said...

Oh I love to cry over Little House. Especially when the older sister went blind.....I'm feeling a spell coming on just thinking of it.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger ~Kristen said...

Kerrie.... where have you been??? just checking up on you.

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Debra Sue said...

I sing all the time too! I love having a song for every situation even though it drives my friends crazy!

At 12:17 AM, Blogger Shionge said...

Hiya...hope you are alright!

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

email me. i cant find your email on here.



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