Our Little Ladybug

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas 2006

Christmas this year was relaxing and lots of fun. My mom and sister came down for our traditional gift opening on the Saturday before Christmas. They gave us some beautiful gifts, including a hand print kit for the first five years of Jade's life. My sister also gave us Jade's first piece of jewelry- a tiny cross necklace. It's so beautiful!

On Christmas Eve, we went to my aunt and uncle's house and had a really nice time. We are STILL working on the leftovers! Fish, pierogies, spinach & feta strata, lasagna, coconut cake, cheesecake...well, they all still have a home in our fridge, but we are putting a dent in them little by little!

On Christmas morning, we exchanged gifts and we both bought gifts for Jade. She got some really wonderful things: a jewelry box, bath toys, blankets, letters that spell her name for her room, a Big Bird in China DVD, a stuffed animal, books, bibs, and ornaments.

Everyone came to our house on Christmas Day, and my aunt and uncle gave us more gifts for Jade: her first bank, a stuffed musical toy, little bunny slippers, and a photo album. It was a very special Christmas, and it really touched my heart to know that my family was also thinking about Jade.

I love that I still have five more days off from work! I know it will be hard to go back on the 2nd, but I am really enjoying the break! Happy New year to all!


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