Our Little Ladybug

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Collectors of Stuff

I admit it- both my husband and I are packrats. We are infamous collectors of "stuff." Oh, we have stuff saved that we don't even know we have saved for that day when we may someday "need it." Bear in mind, this even accounts for 99 cent items we could easily buy new 15 years from now if that day ever comes. But no, we choose to store them instead just "in case."

With the beginning of our adoption process, we have decided to clear away the stuff. Most of it is in our basement. Boxes and boxes of things. We had a garage sale last summer and went to the local flea market a few times to sell. We did really well, but we still have stuff left over. We decided to hit the flea market one more time this summer before donating all the rest to the Salvation Army.

So we went to the flea market yesterday. It's odd to watch people look through your stuff. It's interesting to see what they consider treasures and what they pass by. There is no rhyme or reason to it. A 13 year old, red-headed girl with her Martha Stewart Mom bought my vampires book along with my tribal tattoo book. Martha, beware. A fellow teacher was overjoyed at all the teacher items I had for sale. A woman chatted to us all about birds and animals as she bought items from me. I learned about people's medical ailments, siblings, jobs, etc.- all while they browsed through my tables of items. I liked listening to everyone. I liked hearing their stories. It gave me a visual picture of all the new homes where my "stuff" will now live.

Bye, stuff. Have a good life.


At 3:16 PM, Blogger Debra Sue said...

We are planning the big clean up as well, and just bought new living room furniture as inspiration. Instead of the flea market, we're going the garage sale route. Inevitably, we'll have people knocking on the door at 6:00 am!
Good luck on your journey!

At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if you ever find snow globes, send them my way. I am a collector of stuff (useless stuff of course).


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