Our Little Ladybug

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Happy February!

All is well. I feel so busy lately, and I'm not sure why. It sometimes feels like there are never enough hours in the day to get everything finished. Hopefully, when we have Jade, I'll just focus on her and won't care about everything else I didn't finish!

We did go away to see Rockstar Supernova in concert last weekend. Tommy Lee was just as cute in person! The venue was great. It was the old Chevrolet Theatre in Wallingford, Connecticut. I loved it. It was a drive, but I would definitely go there again for other shows. On Sunday, we went to the Danbury Mall on the way home and ate at a great place there, Rosy Tomorrow's. It was a blast from the past because we used to go there a lot in the early 1990s when Ken was in the Navy stationed in Connecticut. I was so excited to get their shrimp and asparagus salad only to find 4 spears of asparagus in it! I know-it's not breaking news, but wow, it disappointed me. I fear I am becoming an asparagus addict.

We are looking forward to our next trip to New York City for Chinese New Year.

My sister went on a business trip to Seattle and she brought us back the most adorable outfit for Jade. She bought it at the Pike Place Market from a shop there called Little Shanghai. It is an adorable red Chinese outfit with little dragonflies all over it. It's so beautiful!

Now...I must go and do schoolwork!


At 6:35 PM, Blogger ~Kristen said...

I know that "busy" feeling... good to hear from you though..
Happy February to you too!!!

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Elisa...life as we know it. said...

Hi, back in blogger land again, just reading your past posts..great news that your LID is on New Years eve!


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